KNOWN ISSUES : S.O.B.A.R and S.O.B.O.E.Difficulty to remove excessive secretions.
attachmentpulmonary rehabilitation
TOUGH eliminate excessive secretion
Types of patients:• After a period of surgical / pain (rib fracture / ICC)• Increased chronic sputum production• sharp increase in sputum production
• L.O.C reduction
• muscle weakness
• septic / fatigue
You can have a very different scale of production / commitment.inpatient acute than the need for ongoing home program Rx.Assuming the patient of the problem.Optimize the possibility of pain, L.O.C., fatigue, mucolytics, humidification.
physician-obatanan:Cough, upset, F.E.T., A.C.B.T.postural drainagePercussion, shock, vibrationP.E.P., Flutterautogenic drainagesuction
Hard to breathe
pt type:
acute asthma* Edema CAL / Lung CaEEB lungsurgical Pt* Respiratory failure / acute fatigue.
Optimize medical symptom relief bronchodilators, pain, Lasix, oxygen therapy is adequate.
Tranquility / education.
positioningbreath controlAdding HOW AMPUHremoval if sputum expectoration contribute to anxiety.This may require bilevel device (BiPAP, VPAP)
NB: Surgical Training / alveolar hypoventilation / mobilization / posture upright to attack the basal atelectasis and optimize current to huff / cough.
Coughing is the inspiration followed by a forced expiratory maneuver performed against a closed glottis. This led to a rapid increase in intrathoracic pressure. As glote open, the pressure difference between the small airways and trachea results in fast air flow. High air flow with increased dynamic compression of the airways results in shear layers of mucus and mist flow through the gas-liquid interactions.
• Secretion of the upper airway or large. It is believed that an effective cough to clear secretions from the airways are more likely to seventh generation bronchus. Dynamic compression of the respiratory tract by a high intrathoracic pressure to limit the effectiveness of cough in the respiratory tract small or too often.
• It has been proven that a strong cough (11 times in 10 minutes) is comparable with postural drainage + percussion speed and the amount of sputum clearance.
Coughing can be influenced by an adequate volume of the lungs, glottal incomplete blockage, respiratory muscle weakness / general fatigue, pain.
preventive measure
• subcutaneous emphysema / pneumothorax not diobat-obatani
• ICP increases• operation tool recently vision
• paroxysmal cough can cause fatigue, bronchospasm, airway obstruction, hypoxia.
A huff is a forced expiratory maneuver performed by glote open, so cough lower than intrathoracic pressure. EPP position can be manipulated gasping produced by varying the volume of the lungs where huff starts. Lung volume average yield EPP huffs into lobar bronchi and segmental; Low volume in the peripheral airways.
indicationThe secretion of peripheral or small airways. Children ages three years old can be taught to huff
preventive measure
Similar to cough if prolonged strong or to the point of uncontrollable coughing.
Forced expiration HOW TO IMPACT (FET)
Developed by Bernice Thompson and Jennifer Pryor1979 (NZ).
HOW forced AMPUHekspirasi defined as 1 2 huffs lung volume low-medium, followed by a period of relaxed breathing are controlled. HOW AMPUHini use of forced expiratory huff physiology combined with a recovery phase to reduce the likelihood of blockage of the airway, desaturation or fatigue. breath control (Webber 1988), was breathing softly with normal tidal volume and rate, using the lower chest. Relaxation of the upper chest and shoulders are encouraging, the expiration is not enforced.
HOW AMPUHpernapasan active cycle (ACBT)
FET is an integral part of the active cycle HOW AMPUHpernapasan described by Pryor and Webber in 1992. The authors consider that the expansion is necessary because the FET breath control clinical underutilized and the relationship between breathing exercises and FET misunderstood.
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