But, we need to know when !.
The thing to worry about and when we as parents need the help of a doctor. The instinct of a woman as a mother can be used to determine when the right time baby needs medical help. Kasihkut these are the things that need to be parents, when will take a decision for the baby :
Not passion eating
Babies who feel hungry so varied a mark-tkamunya. But when the baby loses his eating passion in a long time, the chances of the baby suffered from health problems he feels. As orangtau we need to be vigilant.
Unusual crying
Your baby suddenly cries longer than usual and the baby are not willing to be silent when you are entertaining in the usual way. Usually a baby you feel unwell. Please love mild fever medication before taking him to the doctor. But, if it makes you look listless babies and more difficult to control should be taken to the doctor. However, when the baby is not crying but her face sad and lackluster. Note the condition of his body carefully. You can bring your baby to the doctor to find the cause, when these conditions occur in a long long time.
Difficulty breathing
When your child having trouble berenafas and tightness, immediately take the child to the doctor. Do not delay too long.
Not all types of fever in infants alarming, although fever in babies is a sign that the child was sick. Sometimes the baby had a high fever but only a symptom of the flu, but sometimes may experience a mild fever but a symptom of serious illness.
When the little fever, do not rush him to the doctor, take note also is there any other symptoms that accompany it. But when the child a fever above 37 degrees Celsius within 2-3 days of fever was also down immediately take the child to the doctor. Becomes very important to remain calm when caring for the child. Therefore, when the tranquility of a mother caring for her child who had fever can make the baby feel comfortable and you can take the right decision unyuk your baby.
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